Next Com: One Gold and Two Silver Medals at the Tourism Awards 2022 for the tourism promotion of the Region of Central Macedonia

Our company successfully completed the Tourism Promotion of the Region of Central Macedonia with the theme “Do something GREAT!”, winning a total of three awards at the Tourism Awards 2022.



Undertaking one of the largest tourism promotion projects for the years 2021-2022 and even under very adverse conditions, with many restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our company managed to complete this important project and win:



– A gold award for the production of the emblematic Video of the campaign, which in just two minutes, captures, the wealth of Central Macedonia, to the maximum extent


– A silver award for the entire tourism promotion campaign entitled: “Do something GREAT!”, which included screenings inside and outside of Greece,


– A silver award, because through this magnificent campaign, it managed to highlight the Region of Central Macedonia as a destination of four seasons, which offers other forms of alternative tourism, beyond the diptych “Sea&Sun”.



The awards were received, on Monday, May 9, 2022, by the Deputy Regional Head of Tourism of the Region of Central Macedonia, Mr. Thanos Alexandros and Ms. Kyrkou Lamprini, Head of Public Accounts of the company Next Com.



Tourism is a basic activity of our company for more than twenty years!

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