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Home Nursing: ODIPY – NEXTCOM A.E. Contract for Communication and Program Promotion

On Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at the ODIPY offices, a contract for the assignment of work was signed between the contractor company NEXTCOM A.E. and the contracting authority ODIPY, concerning communicative reinforcement and dissemination, both within the scientific community and the general population of the Home Hospital Care System (NOSPI).


On the part of ODIPY, the contract was signed by Mr. Vasilis Balanis, Chief Executive Officer, while from NEXTCOM, Mr. Anastasios Marios Kitsaras, President and Chief Executive Officer, signed the agreement. Ernst & Young was represented by Mr. George Mitropoulos, Head of Business Development, SE Europe, Healthcare & Health Sciences Sector Leader, and the event was honored by the presence of Mr. Eleftherios Thiraios, Head of the General Directorate of ODIPY.


Under the contract, NEXTCOM A.E. and EY respectively undertake to support the Ministry of Health and ODIPY in presenting and disseminating the progress results of the project and managing the change brought by the Program. They will take actions and promotional initiatives across multiple communication channels, both at the national and regional levels, with corresponding productions of audiovisual material.


As for the Program itself (NOSPI), it aims for safe, comprehensive, and personalized care at home through a network of support for medical technology and digital solutions, providing immediate benefits to the quality of life for patients while simultaneously reducing the cost of care.


Among the program’s most significant objectives are the reduction of hospitalization time and the number of patient readmissions with chronic diseases, the reinforcement of self-care at home, and the release of resources at the hospital level. Undoubtedly, it stands out as the most demanding program implemented in Greece in recent decades.

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